Setting Up Your Wirenest USB Cable
Drivers for your cable should install automatically on Windows 7 and 8. Below instructions and screenshots were captured on a Windows 7 machine. Links to detailed instructions for all operating systems as well as a link to driver download location is at the bottom of this page.
Plug your USB cable into an available USB port. You may see a popup bubble as pictured below.
If you see the bubble below, good news you’re almost finished.
On some systems the driver installation is invisible and you may not see any indication of driver installation. To verify which COM port Windows has assigned and that the device driver is installed correctly, follow the below steps.
Open Device Manager by clicking the Start button, click Control Panel, click System and Security, and then under System, click Device Manager
You should see USB Serial Port (COM##) under Ports (COM & LPT)
The number next to COM is the COM port number that windows has assigned. If the software you are using with this cable needs to be configured for which COM port is to be used, use this number.
If you have used many USB devices on this computer Windows may have selected a large number for this port. Some software will only recognize COM ports 1-4. To change the port number assigned to this device follow the steps below.
Right click “USB Serial Port (COM##)” and select Properties.
Select the “Port Settings” tab, then click “Advanced” From here you can change the port number assigned to this device.
That's it! Your cable is ready to be used.
For specific instructions on operating the application you are using with this cable please refer to the instructions provided by the applications author.
Windows XP and Vista will need drivers installed. In the link below download the setup executable and run it on your PC.
The latest drivers can be manually downloaded from here:
Detailed installation instructions can be found here:
Thank you again for your purchase from Wirenest. If you have any trouble installing or using your cable, please contact me!
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